We’re proud to announce that our lead eLearning designer, Hannah Quinton (above, back row, 2nd left), has been named ‘Developer of the Year 2017’ at the Silicon Canal Tech awards.  The ceremony, which was attended by over 200 people from the West Midlands tech community, was held at the prestigious Birmingham REP. Speakers included Andy Street, the local Mayor (and former CEO of John Lewis).

GuyKat CEO, Guy McEvoy, said; “This is so well deserved for Hannah.  Honestly, she is one of the best Adobe Captivate developers there is anywhere. She works day in, day out juggling seemingly impossible deadlines from some of the biggest brands in the world.  Yet she, and her awesome team, deliver every time.  I’m so chuffed.”

GuyKat where also delighted to have been shortlisted for ‘Small Company of the Year’. Many congratulations to all the winners.