Now Developing in Adobe Captivate 5.5

This week we made the upgrade to the Adobe eLearning suite 2.5.   For us, the most significant component of this migration is that it updates our primary development platform from Captivate 5.0 to Captivate 5.5.   For our clients the change will be invisible but not irrelevant.  Some of the new functionality we gain will improve our development workflows.  We gain access to  more varied templates to accelerate our story-boarding process with means more time is available to invest in worrying about the all important content over and above aesthetic design.

The migration also means we shift from cleaning our sound and narration via Soundbooth to the Adobe Audition software.   What does this mean?  Well, a ton of stuff.  But all the clients need to know is that this means our voice-overs will still be crystal clear!